Monday, January 23, 2006

A new idea to solve the problems in Education

Hi, Mr/Ms Editor. Please add or use this as a public service announcemnt to your publication or else as a letter to the editor page. Thanks, Leslie.

The problem with education is with its organization. School boards have outlived their usefulness and now are only meddlers in the system. There are too many of these powerful ELECTED lay officials in education. In California, for instance there are about 5000 elected school trustees managing the public service of Education alone when there are only perhaps 300 state legislators managing totally the rest of the State Services combined, like Justice, Transportation, Public Health, Registry of Deeds and Companies. etc Bring Education back to the State level for its administration and allow healthy debate in the legislatures on the problems in Education. Stop penalizing the administration of education only with these over-powering, lay elected officials. Either organize education like the other State services or else organize the other State Services like education. (Who would ever suggest the latter?) For more information on this please go to

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