Monday, April 10, 2006

Which Type Of Homeschooling Method Is Suitable For Your Child

Most parents have a very simple perception of homeschooling. In most parents mind, homeschooling is simply watching their children do their homework and studying textbooks.

However, homeschooling is a lot more than that. There are many different types of homeschooling methods, each with a different homeschooling "philosophy". Each "philosophy" dictates the curriculum and the style of teaching.

Following are some of the most popular and influential homeschooling methods.

Charlotte Mason method:

Charlotte Mason (1842-1923) was an innovative educator who took a unique approach to education. She was passionate in laying out the foundations for a complete homeschooling program that is not only effective but also fun and educational at the same time.

The Charlotte Mason method place great emphasis on arts such as classical literature and music and poetry. Miss Mason advocates on what she called "Living Books". The child is read to daily from the "Living Books" and then ask to narrate what he/she has heard. Mason believed in introducing the child to the humanities while he is still young, while he is forming his personality.

Classical Education Method:

Classical Christian education is unique in that it seeks to faithfully restore the most proven form of education ever developed. This education produced the greatest thinkers, leaders, and scientists in the Western world from the time of the Greeks until the late 19th century, including America's founding fathers.

It is based on what has been called the trivium. A child goes through three phases as he/she learns. In grades K-6, students are excellent at memorizing. In grades 7-8, students become more argument-oriented. They are ready to be taught logic and critical thinking. In grades 9-12, students become independent thinkers and communicators particularly concerned with their appearance to others. Classical education teaches them "rhetoric," the art of speaking, communicating, and writing.

The Eclectic Homeschooling:

This is a mixture of various homeschooling techniques and takes from each thus forming his own homeschooling "philosophy". Parents use their best judgement to select topics that will make the best education for their child. Usually, they will be continuously on the lookout for the best educational products that suit their child's needs. The parents then make changes in the curriculum to accommodate the individual needs and interests of their children.

The Montessori Method:

Dr. Maria Montessori, believes that learning is a natural, self-directed process. It was observed that children undergo periods of intense concentration during which he/she will repeat an activity until he/she gains a sense of satisfaction. The Montessori method depends on a prepared environment to facilitate learning. All the materials used in this method are designed to satisfy the inner desire for spiritual development of the child. The materials used progress from simple to complex, and are costly.

The methods above are just some of the methods of homeschooling and I hope it gives you an insight on which will suit your child best. But whatever the methods used, the underlying principle is to use the child's desire for knowledge to further his/her education.

About the Author

KB Lim is the founder of where he regularly write homeschooling articles to help educators and parents. Visit his site for more Home Schooling Resources, Tips and Information


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